Councilmembers bid farewell to retiring member Quinn Sperry
Jan 05, 2024 10:41AM ● By Annabelle Larsen
Midvale City Councilmember Quinn Sperry refers to notes at his council desk. (Annabelle Larsen/City Journals)
Midvale City Councilmember Quinn Sperry will soon be leaving his position on the council come 2024, after 10 years of service to the community in various ways, such as being a member of the UIA (Utah Infrastructure Agency), the Utah League of Cities and Towns Legislative Policy Committee, the Shelter the Homeless Board, the Community Council, as well as his time on the council.
Although Sperry will be leaving the council at the end of this year, he continues to serve as a lawyer. Upon the recent city council meeting, it was evident that Sperry would be missed by his fellow councilmembers and the mayor as well, each giving a heartfelt farewell to their longstanding colleague.
“It’s a loss for the city,” said Mayor Marcus Stevenson, directly addressing Sperry. “You have been kind, helpful, thoughtful throughout.”
Paul Glover, fellow councilmember, acknowledged his gratitude to Sperry. “It’s been really wonderful,” Glover said, “and I appreciate you.”
Following Glover’s remarks was councilmember Dustin Gettel. “Quinn is like our Anthony Kennedy,” he joked affectionately, in regards to Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy’s notable history of being the swing voter. “Whichever way Quinn goes is the way the win goes.” He spoke about how although they might not have always agreed on matters, there was always respect and high esteem between the two councilmembers. Gettel went on to say, “I’ve always appreciated how you took a look at issues and broke them down logically…Quinn seems to take a rather reasoned approach to everything.”
Garrett Wilcox, the city attorney, addressed Sperry next by stating, “I’ve very much appreciated your support here,” and continued to say, “You will very much be missed.”
Councilmember Bryant Brown echoed Wilcox’s sentiments, affirming to Sperry, “I appreciate him, and I think he has a very level head.”
Last but not least on the city council was Councilmember Heidi Robinson, who said at the beginning of her time on the city council and settling into the position, Sperry was a big help in acclimating to the job.
“Getting to sit by you is a huge benefit,” she said.
Last to address Sperry was City Manager Matt Dahl, who professed these kind words to Sperry: “You are and have been a great councilmember, and more importantly, a great person.”
Sperry, after the recognition from each member, was met with a standing ovation from all in attendance at the last council meeting. Sperry was presented with a gift from city employees and jokingly said, “I hope there is a pygmy goat waiting for me outside.”
Bonnie Billings, who is the Outreach Manager of The Girl Scouts of America, will be taking Sperry’s place on city council in 2024. λ