Stir’s restaurant offers 70 cereal choices, plus gives back to community
Jun 30, 2023 01:14PM ● By Annabelle Larsen
Walls of all different kinds of cereals line the store. (Annabelle Larsen/City Journals)
A restaurant where the menu is an all-you-can-eat buffet of cereal seems like a child’s dream come true, but it is a reality at Stir’s in Midvale, 7186 Union Park Ave.
Offering over 70 different types of cereals that can be mixed and matched, Stir’s offers cold breakfast lovers a wide variety of choices. Not only does this food joint have a unique menu and setup, it also runs charity events that help those in need throughout Salt Lake Valley.
Stir’s started from a scenario many of us have found ourselves in. Sterling Jack, the owner, was one of the youngest of seven children in South Jordan and there was always a high demand for cereal. Since his older siblings would get up earlier than him, he would find that the cereal his parents had bought would be gone, and he would be stuck making something else for breakfast. He then had the idea to store the cereal somewhere nobody but himself would find it. He poured himself a few bowls, covered them with tinfoil, and hid them under the couch. That way he always had cereal in the mornings regardless of when he got up. Sometime later, that love for a cold breakfast transformed into a restaurant offering cereal for everyone (not just for morning people) all day long, and even displaying a hidden tinfoil-wrapped bowl under the couch at the store just for memory’s sake.
Stir’s employees also can be found taking their brightly colored food truck across Utah, serving locals at food truck nights as well as traveling to those in need to offer meals and support. Recently, Stir’s nonprofit organization Friends of Stir’s worked with the Odyssey House in Salt Lake and The Road Home in Midvale. Friends of Stir’s mission statement is simple: bring food to those who are hungry. After their trip to these locations, those who partook in the event headed back to the Midvale store for a pajama party.
So far, the organization has raised almost $19,000 for food for those in need, according to the Friends of Stir’s website. This equates to 2,862 boxes of cereal and 6,240 ounces of milk.
Employees of Stir’s enjoy the humanitarian aspect of their work, as well as being able to be around cereal all day. One employee, Christy, stated, “It’s the best job I’ve ever had. Cereal is my favorite meal, even more than ice cream.” She goes on to mention that she has never had a negative customer experience since working there. “How do you be cranky around cereal?” λ