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Midvale Journal

City council works on next fiscal year’s budget

Jun 02, 2017 11:08AM ● By Ruth Hendricks

Midvale City Hall. (Ruth Hendricks/City Journals)

By Ruth Hendricks | [email protected]

The Midvale City Council has begun the process of setting the budget for the fiscal year beginning on July 1, 2017. Starting with a budget retreat in March, the city council met with staff to learn about available revenue and projections for the coming year.

City staff had put together the tentative budget based on the priorities the council set during the retreat.  At the council meeting on May 2, Laurie Harvey, assistant city manager, presented the tentative budget. Part of the council meeting was set aside for a public hearing on adopting this tentative budget.

Mayor JoAnn Seghini emphasized that, “This budget is a working document that can be changed, not a final budget.” The council needs someplace to start from and discuss, so that is what this tentative budget does, Seghini explained.

At city council meetings during May and until June 13, the council will meet with each department and hear presentations about their budget requests.  The council will develop a list with all the options for projects, whether they are on-going or one-time, and will prioritize that list.

“This year we have enough to go quite far down the priority list,” said Harvey. “The sizable property tax increase helps.”

Harvey explained that the reasons for having adequate revenue during the coming year are due to the property tax increase and the growth in sales tax, which is around 8 percent this year.  Harvey said her forecast for the coming year is about 4 percent growth in sales tax.

Projected revenue for the 2018 fiscal year comes from the following sources:

·      Taxes - $12.9 million

·      Licenses and permits - $571,000

·      Intergovernmental revenue (such as grants and state funds) - $1.3 million

·      Charges for services - $1.8 million

·      Fines and forfeitures - $1 million

·      Miscellaneous revenue and contributions - $439,500

The total projected revenues for the coming budget are $18.1 million.

As Seghini stated in her letter in the May issue of the City Journal, “We invite you to participate in our budget process… The tentative budget will be posted on our website at At each Council meeting between May 2 and June 13, the Council will review and discuss the budget with department directors. The Council will hold a second public hearing on June 6, 2017, followed by adoption of the final Fiscal Year 2018 budget on June 20, 2017.”

Seghini’s letter goes on to state: “As Mayor, I can assure you that your elected officials and City staff understand the importance of spending City funds wisely. Collectively, we weigh wants versus needs, and we value your input as taxpayers. We view the stewardship of City funds as sacred and we appreciate your opinions and ideas as well as your trust and support.”