Message from the Unified Police Department
Jun 10, 2016 10:27AM ● By Bryan ScottJune is National Safety Month. The summer months are here! Kids are outside in full force, riding their bikes and scooters. Unfortunately, being an adult means we are still hard at work, pecking away at our weekly routine.
Before you leave your house to travel to whatever destination you may be headed towards, please slow down and take a couple more minutes and add some extra steps in your routine. Before getting into your vehicle, walk completely around the exterior of your vehicle to check for children, bikes, or other hazards that may be behind your vehicle. If you have a family member nearby, have them serve as a set of eyes and assist you backing out of your drive way.
Now that you are safely out of your driveway, please be watchful for motorcycles! Motorcycles are much smaller than regular vehicles so they hide in our blind spots much easier. Triple check your mirrors and over your shoulder before changing lanes. Let’s share the road.
Summer is a great time of year that we spend building memories with our loved ones. Utah is a great place for activities including water sports, shooting sports, riding ATVs, and much more. Before starting an activity, take time to educate yourself and others who are joining you about the activity and ways you will be safe. Information about your event can be found on-line or call the establishment you are going to be visiting for answers to any questions you may have.
Unified Police Department is excited to be participating in Cops and Helmets program sponsored by Safe Kids during the summer months. In an effort to promote safety within our community police officers will be handing out bike helmets and bike licenses when they see children riding a bike or scooter without a helmet. The license gives the children some safety tips while riding their bikes and encourages them to wear a helmet.
And an ending note. The Unified Police Department participated in the National Take Back Initiative hosted by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) at the end of April. Here at Midvale City we had over 60 pounds of medication turned in. Thank you to all who participated in this event. If you have any unused or expired medications, remember there is a drop box inside the Midvale Police Station lobby, open during business hours. Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.