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Midvale Journal

Drive Personal Performance Center in Holladay Goes High Tech A Revolutionary Workout Comes to Holladay

Mar 09, 2016 12:06PM ● By Bryan Scott

By Douglas Andrew

I’m excited about something on the cutting edge of fitness and technology that has arrived—the first in Utah, and it’s located in Holladay. Are you ready to try something new that disrupts conventional human fitness paradigms to create a completely new standard for optimizing your physical fitness and recovery?

It’s Vasper Training Systems, and it’s being introduced exclusively at Drive Personal Performance in Holladay. Vasper, originating from “vascular performance,” is a patented exercise and rehabilitation technology using the principles of compression and cooling during exercise. 

Vasper allows users of almost all ages and physical abilities to achieve anaerobic exercise benefits effectively and without sweating. Those benefits are decreased body fat, increased muscle mass, bone density, improved sleep quality, increased focus, clarity of mind, faster recovery from exercise or physical injuries, relief of joint pain and increased exercise capacity. 

Most of us exercise aerobically at low intensity, for a longer duration because, let’s face it, a shorter, high-intensity (anaerobic) sprint workout doesn’t feel good. Its short bursts of maximum intensity can be painful and it comes with a lot of sweat and long recovery periods. 

Studies have shown that the benefits of anaerobic exercise far outweigh the benefits of an aerobic workout. Vasper workouts allow the individual to achieve the benefits of high intensity exercise during a low impact 21-minute interval workout with minimal or zero sweat and fast recovery. 

Not only does Vasper provide the healthy individual with immeasurable benefits, but it has proven to have significant benefits on the rehabilitative and therapeutic populations. 

Serial entrepreneur and former GE Medical Systems executive Peter Wasowski discovered Vasper while seeking a remedy for his own health issues. 

“After moving to Hawaii from California in the late 1990s, I was suffering from traumatic arthritis in both ankle joints and high blood sugar, diagnosed as pre-diabetic,” he said. 

Rather than treat these symptoms with medications, he decided to design new technology to address the cause of his symptoms and undertook eight years of research, building and testing different prototypes combining the core cooling techniques of the NASA space suit’s astronaut temperature control and different forms of vascular compression. 

“During the first two weeks of using this device my joint pain associated with arthritis was dramatically reduced and then went away,” Wasowski said. “My blood sugar levels came back to normal, and I flushed my medications down the toilet. Soon my friends and neighbors learned about my device, started using it and realized similar benefits.” In 2009 Vasper Systems was formed. 


Vasper workouts are done with a Nustep recumbent elliptical—sort of like a sit-down exercise bike—used in concert with Vasper cooled compression built into the bike. 

You generally warm up nine minutes at a low-to-moderate pace, followed by a series of high-intensity sprint intervals with varying duration (15, 30 or 60 seconds) followed by a 90-second recovery. When your workout is complete, you lie down resting on a liquid-cooled table for 10 minutes.

During the entire workout, liquid-cooled compression cuffs concentrate the lactic acid in the muscle tissue to generate a stronger impulse to the pituitary gland, which assists with hormonal balance. The cooling element works simultaneously with the compression, keeping the core body temperature cooler during the workout.

Rising body temperatures during exercise is a primary limiting factor for performance. Vasper liquid cooling simulates the effect of exercising in cool water without getting wet. Cooling during exercise also decreases pain intensity and reduces inflammation. Most athletes describe it as a “weird feeling” where they feel and know their muscles are burning, but the fatigue factor is dramatically reduced. 

You can Vasper and then walk into your personal workout and experience more power and better performance.  

“I know of no other exercise that provide such dramatic gains in such a short amount of time” said Dr. Jeffery Gladden, an interventional cardiologist and athlete who’s been using Vasper for more than a year. He is director of cardiology services at Wise Regional Hospital and John Hopkins County Memorial Hospital and director of cardiac rehabilitation at The Heart Hospital Baylor Plano, all in Texas. “It has become a cornerstone in our performance optimization programs.”

“We currently have an ongoing study with cardiac rehab patients to evaluate the effects of Vasper improving cardiac performance, and we have also been using Vasper to train athletes and the general population. Vasper uniformly improves the participants’ reported performance acceleration with no risk of injury. It also has been reported by many to speed the recovery of previous injuries.”

When I first walked into Vasper in San Jose, I felt like I had been launched into a human performance lab of the future. My first workout on Vasper left me feeling exhilarated with an abundance of energy. My wife and daughter experienced the same remarkable results. As a 63-year-old senior, I feel more energetic than I have in four decades. Vasper’s effect on my performance and recovery have been astonishing. My REM and deep sleep scores have doubled. Inasmuch as our brains are “oxygen-hoIics,” I have found it to be an incredible “enhancing” workout that has had a profound effect on my energy, clarity of mind, memory and overall quality of my health. I incorporate a 21-minute Vasper session up to three times weekly into my routine; otherwise it would be too painful to go back to the way I used to feel. 

The U.S. Navy SEALS, NASA astronauts, Olympic athletes, San Jose Sharks, Stanford University athletes, Ironman athletes, aging athletes, fitness enthusiasts, cardiac patients and those with spinal cord injuries, among other rehabilitation programs have used Vasper.

I invite you to join us in becoming a member of the Vasper team at Drive Personal Performance Center and make Vasper a part of your prescription for overall health.

Please joint us for an Open House on Saturday, March 5 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. when we will be introducing VASPER SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY at Drive Personal Performance Center, 1941 East Murry-Holladay Road, Holladay, UT 84117. For more information, visit You may schedule up to three FREE Vasper sessions by going to