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Midvale Journal


Aug 14, 2015 10:06AM ● By Bryan Scott


Andrea has been with Midvale City since August, 2010.  She takes care of the employees in Public Works as well as the Public Works Director. Andrea is the kind voice you will hear when you call Public Works. She is very friendly and happy all the time. Her responsibilities include cemetery plots, scheduling burials, and working asAdministrative Assistant to the Public Works Director, writing reports and invoices, etc.

In Andrea’s words, “I absolutely love my job. I work with the best people, who treat me like family. There is not a day that I do not smile, or laugh at my job. I help out with whatever is needed around the office, as well as invoicing, scheduling burials, and any other tasks requested of me. Working at Midvale has taught me so much, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.”

Midvale is very lucky to have such a great employee working at the City and assisting our great citizens